All articles that matter

Philosophy of Life

Is there a meaning of life?

The meaning of human life - for me, now


Devil's offer

Life is very compressible

The seed and the terrain

Philosophy of Morality

Morality derived from space colonization

On "morality derived from space colonization"

On morality applied to animals

Evil as striving for a local maximum

Morality and killing

Punishment is not really about free will

On "Metaphysics of Quality" of Robert M. Pirsig 


Philosophy of Religion

Is Your God so small?

The God concept

A secular God


Philosophy of Knowledge

On Intelligent life forms

Knowledge is all about prediction

How can we all be right even when we believe incompatible things

We only have models, not knowledge

On Knowledge and beliefs

About consciousness

Philosophy of Universe

We believe in a compressible Universe

Genetic code (DNA) is not enough

DNA and the fabric of the Universe

Reflections on the entropy of Life

Lenses of the Universe 


Philosophy of Economy

The Economy theory - goods and money

Debt gives value to money

On jobs and welfare

On layoffs

Why Bitcoin will fail

The Capitalism theory

Philosophy of Information

Intuition and neural networks

Mathematical incompletness and life

Sorting is computationally harder than playing chess

Shortest program that prints the play "Othello" by William Shakespeare

Can a computer (or human) simulate itself?

Kolmogorov complexity - short, informal introduction

Why Kolmogorov complexity is not computable - root cause and an example

P=NP is undecidable (conjecture)

Philosophy of Mathematics

Irrational numbers

On Russel's Paradox

Philosophy of Artificial intelligence

Simple patterns of intelligence

On "competency living" and intelligence

Philosophy of Data consistency

Cache and Data Consistency in Distributed systems (CAP/PACELC/CRDT) (1)

Flow consistency - read-your-writes consistency(2)

Data Consistency and the "Theory of relativity"

Philosophy for everyday's life

Smartphones and the conscience of humankind

The meaning of music

Backup your photos for 20 years or more - ideas

On neurons and human ideation

The mating algorithm

Music and mathematics

Two ways to pursue happiness

How to have a better life

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